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Dorothy Kovacs

I've a friend who earns her hobby - making leather straps and clothes for the choppers. She's created jobs for artists, her goods are utilized by thousands of people and... she's not had a single day off in eight years. I respect her, but I do not envy her. Hi, my name is Dorothy Kovacs, I am 43 years old, and I work as an editor on , you will find my articles about clothes and accessories, in addition to bags. I love to test the most recent cosmetics and personal care products, make reviews, on fresh products, share observations in testimonials, clarify and compare on the site. When I am not busy with countless reviews of new merchandise, I spend time with my loved ones or do my hobby. I sewed very well, a number of my buddies suggested opening a clothing store. The world will not collapse if I come home after a long day on the job and instead of scaling another summit, I simply sit down and draw.
